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Where Does My Tithe Money Go? (Kelly takes a vacation)

When you give to a church it's usually understood that the money goes to support the church's finances and keep it running.  Being a...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Money and The Crossing Church

This will be short and to the point; I see my views are way up, as well as views on blog posts linked to mine, and most specifically the posts about money.  So what's up Crossing Church people?  Eric & Kelly laying the manipulation on thick to tithe more?  This would be typical timing as they'll want more money before a kick off event around back to school.
Now as always I do have to point out that the Dykstra's are never lacking in funds for their own vacations and spending.  Tell me Crossing Church givers: how many trips have you taken this year?  Are you giving way over 10% of your income, struggling to make ends meet, and curious as to why the Dykstra's continue to live large on your dime?  Good questions.

If you would like to contact me please email to: TFTBA@mail.com

    You may keep all anonymity and I will never disclose anything you tell me not to say.  I've run this blog for 6 years to help people leave the manipulation of The Crossing Church.  I'm here to help.

    A few pics of Eric & Kelly living high off the hog....using your tithe money.  All for Jesus!  Right?

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