This post will finally be true to the title of this blog. This isn't a post on The Crossing Church, though I may mention them later, but simply a thought from the back alley of my mind. The past two years have been a troublesome awakening for me as I dissect what I've been taught and tried to determine what I truly believe.
Most of my Christian indoctrination came in childhood. I wasn't told why we believed these things but simply that I had to believe them. Believe or burn in hell. No other option was given. As I grew I found the contradictions in the bible, and in Christians behavior, rather disheartening. The cognitive dissonance was overwhelming and I'd check out only to come back to the church again years later. I'd been taught that the church and Christianity was the only way so while hating every minute I came back in hopes there could be something there for me. My last church experience was at The Crossing Church, which I gave a brief overview in my
first blog post.
Leaving the church, I went deep to explore where Christian beliefs came from and that's when it all fell apart. I would continually find myself saying "Why the hell did I ever believe this!?" It amazes me how many Christians I find that don't even understand the basic tenets of their faith. It also astounds me that they don't seem to care.
I typically find three groups:
The first group is what I'll call your Basic Christian. They 'accepted Jesus into their heart' as a kid, check the Christian box on surveys, show up for Christmas, Easter and maybe even once a month. They'll enroll the kids in VBS, do the confirmation thing, throw a Jeremiah 29:11 magnet on the fridge and then pretty much do whatever they want. Feed the poor? Well that might take too much out of the vacation fund and those people should get jobs anyway. Help the orphans? They are pretty sure the few bucks they throw in the Salvation Army can will suffice.
The second group is a tad more down and dirty with their faith. They belong to a church, go regularly, are part of a Small Group and volunteer for activities. Life decisions are made according to the latest book at Lifeway. They question nothing, and when pressed as to their beliefs they can't explain much. They gush about Jesus, are very happy to be part of the privileged that get into heaven but aren't exceptionally concerned about reaching people who they feel will be boiled in the lava of hell. They just don't think about it much. Jesus died at the cross and now they feel there is nothing they need to do. Yes, I hear predestination all over this but again, nothing that concerns them. God is good, life is great and everything is going to turn out fabulous. Uh huh.
The third group is pretty hard core. They know their bibles, hermeneutics, eschatology and understand how the bible was put together. They tend to be on the legalistic side though they'll typically say they aren't. They believe fully that the bible is the inerrant word of God, lean towards being Republican, feel gay marriage will ruin the country and want to get back to old school bible teaching.
I actually have the most respect for the third group; though I sure don't want to go out for coffee with them. I respect that they truly know what they believe. Though I disagree, I get it. The other two groups make me completely insane. It annoys me to all hell when people basically take what they like and make up the rest. It's so self indulgent, and from my view, not at all what Jesus talked about. Not to mention; if you're going to make shit up then at least make it good! Why not also throw in Tinkerbell and wishes? Why not believe God wants you to have extreme wealth? Why not believe God wants to make all your dreams come true? Why not believe God will never let harm come to you? Oh wait...
So my personal dilemma is trying to not let my head explode around people that don't get it. I feel, strongly, that you should know exactly what you believe, where this belief came from (originally) and why you believe it. I feel you shouldn't follow a person (pastor). I feel you should back up, with action, what you say you believe. Not saying works based faith; but put your money where your mouth is.
Shall we do some therapy talk now? Yes, I think we should. Just because
I feel people should behave a certain way doesn't mean I need to put that
expectation on them. Accept people where they are at - which frankly, is what I expect people to do with me. Oh dear, this just got messy.
Relationships are messy. Religion is messy. The bible is really messy! Life is messy.